Friday, July 31, 2009

Cut It Out!

I just saw a picture of Ciara with her hair cut short.
Ciara haircut Pictures, Images and Photos

Okay people. Lay the scissors down and leave them there. Yeah, it brought some people's sexy back, but it doesn't work for everybody! Furthermore, chicks don't seem to know when to quit! Remember how Rhianna's hair started off? Now it's faded on the sides. Sheesh! Ladies. Come on. There are programs on computers that'll show you how you'll look with these haircuts *cough* SOLANGE! *cough*. Just...carve out your own still instead of trying to take a piece of everyone else's.

Ciara does look cute, but I'm just saying.

The Fakeness.

Magazines are empowering? Hmm...girls look at them and become critical of their bodies and possessions. "Oh I want to look like this! See if I had a waist like that. All I need is that purse..." They don't empower us, they make us doubt ourselves. A good magazine shows unretouched images and everyday girls who are beautiful. Ones with flaws and all, so when a girl sees it she's like "Hey look at how she wears her flaws. I can do that. I don't have to feel so ashamed of them." Magazines are fantasies. The fantasies of men. Unrealistic and unattainable.
I just think magazines should stop being so fake.

All these articles by women on how to please a man are bull. A man knows how to please a man and even then all men are different. Learn your own tricks. Bring a whip to bed with some guys and your ass will be surprised in the worse way. lol. I'm just sayin...

Monday, April 27, 2009


Self consciously, I always told myself not to follow a crowd. Consciously, I would. But I guess to keep from feeling too bad about being a follower, I'd develop my own little idiosyncrasies. I would walk away suddenly if I disagreed, I'd speak my mind as often as possible and I was never mad at someone because everyone else was.
I was scared of not fitting in but at the same time I didn't give a fuck. one had control over what I thought, how I was in class, how I acted... but they did control what a wore, how I felt about how I looked...yeah they had my following when it came to the shallow shit.
I always had a battle inside because of that...I still do. Not because I wanna fit in. I have no where to fit into! I mean, I'm not in high school and church isn't exactly my scene. I just don't know what my "style" is. Am I punk? is my favorite color but that could mean I'm just Afrocentric. Am I preppy? I wear glasses and I have braces so...anything more would make me even more dorky looking than I have to be. Am I rock? Ehh...I like graphic tees. Skinny jeans look cool. Side bangs don't work for my face. I want a few tats one day and a pierced button is kinda cool. But I don't listen to that music and standing around acting bored isn't my forte. Am I hip hop? I love Adidas but otherwise...naw because I don't like to flaunt.
So I took a piece of each one of these...which is still weird because then I don't have a style... maybe I shouldn't worry about it. Yeah...I'll just make the physical like the mental and not give a fuck what anybody thinks about what's going on with either.